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Photoshop Gallery

Adobe Photoshop is a photo and design software enabling users to apply digital art tools, enhance images, and create personalized and unique pieces of art. This Photoshop Gallery showcases both original and edited formats from Tutorial 1, Tutorial 2, and a Personal Picture.

Tutorial 1

LandscapeDesignEdit copy.jpg

For this Tutorial 1, I downloaded a majestic image of the American Western Frontier. The left image is the original and the right image is the final edited version. I learned how to combine images by layering masks. I used the layers panel to create new layers, add an image on to another images, and  combine the image layers. By doing this, I was able to replace the dull sky with a more vibrant and cloudy image. I added text and flower images using the Type layer and the Typekit to explore different fonts. 

Tutorial 2


For this Tutorial 2, I downloaded a picturesque image of Norways's houses at the waterfront. The left image is the original and the right image is the final edited version. I learned how to use the crop tool to remove unwanted space and focus on the highlight of the image. I also used the measure tooI to click and drag along a part of the image that needed to be straight. I was able to slightly straighten the waterfront. I used the layer mask tool and added layers to protect the original image's pixels and brightened it. I used the spot healing brush and the patch tool to remove unwanted content. For the spot healing brush, I was able to adjust the size and hardness of this tool to fit the item I am trying to remove. I removed several distracting telephone poles. For the patch tool, I was able to retouch and repair a small part of the foliage in the mountains. I applied a sharpen filter to finalize the edited version on Norway's houses at the waterfront. 

Personal Picture


For this personal picture, my friends, sister, and I took a selfie at a BTS concert. The left image is the original and the right image is the final edited version. I used the crop tool to adjust the size and the shape of the image. I was able to remove unwanted and distracting content from the original image in order to center and highlight the people instead. I also used the spot healing brush to remove unwanted images by adjusting the size and the hardness to fit the item I am trying to remove. I also enhanced the image's hue, vibrance, brightness, and light. Finally, I used the sharpen filter and sharpened the image and increase the clarity and focus. 

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